Tag: amit varma (last 300)
(ToI) Filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt’s son Rahul, unwittingly friends with LeT suspect, was supposed to be launched in a 7/7 film called ‘Suicide Bomber.’ And was @amitvarma’s personal trainer.
(IU) Varma: ‘My Friend Sancho’ has sold 15K copies — in India, 5K is a bestseller.
(LJ) ‘Sancho’s’ publishers played it safe by focusing the Chetan Bhagat’s audience and keeping the Cigarette and Flight format.
(IU) My publisher informs me that My Friend Sancho is the biggest selling Indian novel released in 2009.
(WaPo) Varma: I have a vague plan for a series of Abir Ganguly novels... 2nd book: Indian civil services officer in his late 40s in a city in central India... I hope India Uncut ends up just a footnote in my career.
(SM) ‘My Friend Sancho’: Functional and unadorned. No Grand Mal seizures as Great Writing. But the voice is interesting and the insights are honest, giving me a reason to keep turning pages.
(BusWeek) India’s 50 most powerful: Blogger Amit Varma brings a particular libertarian point of view to his columns and blog items, but also a risque sense of humor that keeps readers hooked.
(IU) My buddy Amit Varma’s first novel ‘My Friend, Sancho,’ a love story + underworld thriller, launches with readings in Bombay May 9, Delhi May 13, and thereafter in Calcutta, Bangalore and Chennai. With novelist Sonia Faleori, reviewer Nilanjana Roy.
(Outlook) My buddy Amit Varma’s ‘My Friend, Sancho’ gets a shout-out in ‘Outlook India’... Chetan Bhagat foots the bill for his own book publicist.
(IU) Amit Varma: Gordon House Hotel next to the Bombay terrorist attack ushered us in when the gunshots began, gave us a room and refused to accept payment, insisting it was their duty.
(Hindu) Filipino writer Miguel Syjuco won the Man Asian prize, beating Siddharth Shanghvi’s ‘Lost Flamingoes of Bombay’ and Kavery Nambisan. ‘Ilustrado’ is a multigenerational Filipino family saga. Amit Varma had been on the longlist.
(WSJ) Varma: The oddity is that China, a developing country like India, expends so many of its scarce resources on sport, not that India expends so little. Any money that the government spends on sport could be better spent on building infrastructure.
(Manasianliteraryprize) The longlist for the Man Asian Literary Prize was just announced. Includes Amit Varma’s ‘My Friend, Sancho’ and Siddharth Dhanvant Shanghvi’s ‘Lost Flamingoes of Bombay’ among other desi titles.